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Privacy Policy

Notice of Personal Data Privacy

HDS Diagnosis and Talent Development, S.C. for Clients

In compliance with the Federal Law on Protection of Personal Data Held by Private Parties, we provide you with this Notice of Privacy. We kindly ask you to read this Privacy Notice carefully, as it outlines the use, processing, deadlines, and procedures to follow in case you decide to limit the use of the Personal Data that you provide us.

1. Responsible for the protection of your Personal Data.

HDS Diagnosis and Talent Development, S.C., with trade name Human Development Solutions (hereinafter referred to as “HDS”), with its address at Av. México Contreras 700 int.109, Col San Jerónimo Lídice, C.P. 10400, La Magdalena Contreras, Mexico City, is responsible for collecting your personal data, as well as thier treatment and protection.

2. Personal Data collected for its treatment and its means of obtaining.

The personal data we collect from you, including images and sounds captured by security cameras, for the purposes described in section four (4) of this privacy notice, are collected in person, by phone, when you provide us with your data through the website, social networks (name and email), emails, expos, video surveillance cameras, as well as in our office in person, which will be physically and electronically stored in our office in a database under strict confidentiality.

The identification personal data that we collect from you in person are the following:

  1. Name.
  2. RFC (tax ID).
  3. Phone number(s).
  4. Email address.
  5. Voter ID.
  6. Passport.
  7. Professional license.
  8. Fiscal address.

The Patrimonial data that we collect from you in person are for banking operations and billing:

  1. Bank account number.
  2. Bank CLABE.
  3. Account holder’s name.
  4. Financial institution.
  5. Branch.
  6. Billing information.
  7. Credit application.

The personal data that you provide us will be treated in accordance with the principles of legality, loyalty, proportionality, quality, and only for the purposes described in this privacy notice. Likewise, for the protection of your personal data, we will establish administrative, technical, and physical security measures that allow us to protect your personal data against damage, loss, alteration, destruction, or use other than that indicated in this privacy notice.

2.1.- Data of incapacitated persons.

We inform you that it is of our special interest to take care of the personal information of incapacitated persons and those with different abilities in terms of the law; the data will be treated and protected under the highest security and confidentiality measures.

3. Sensitive Personal Data

We inform you that the sensitive personal data we collect are:

  1. Illnesses
  2. Allergies
  3. Ailments

4. Purposes of the collected personal data.

Your personal data are collected for the following primary purposes:

  1. To transform lives, leaders, teams, and organizations.
  2. Human diagnosis and development.
  3. Certifications.
  4. Solutions.
  5. Surveys.
  6. Workshops and interventions.
  7. Printed materials.
  8. Products and services for human development.
  9. Photos and videos on social media.

5. Personal data for secondary purposes.

Secondary purposes not necessary for the legal relationship with the controller:

  • Advertising campaigns.
  • Digital marketing, call centers, etc.
  • Information about new products and services.
  • Customer service surveys.

Refusal to allow the use of your personal data for secondary purposes will not in any way exclude you from receiving the requested service.

I do not accept the use of my data for the aforementioned secondary purposes. [ ]

6. Transfer of Personal Data.

For the provision of goods and services contracted with Human Development Solutions, your personal data may be transferred to third parties with whom there is some type of legal or business relationship, in order to provide the contracted goods and services for the purposes related in section (4) of this Privacy Notice.

7. Means and Procedure for the Exercise of ARCO Rights.

To exercise your ARCO rights (Access, Rectification, Cancellation and Opposition), you must submit a written request addressed to the Department of Personal Data via email to and/or deliver it physically free of charge to the address, which must contain the following requirements:

  1. Name of the owner.
  2. Address or other means to communicate the response. If this requirement is not met, the request will be considered as not presented.
  3. Documents that prove your identity such as voter ID card, passport, military service card, or professional identification card. In case of acting through a legal representative, it will be necessary to prove identity through a power of attorney and identification.
  4. A clear and precise description of the personal data regarding which the ARCO Rights are to be exercised.
  5. Any other element or documentation that facilitates the location of personal data.
  6. Once the request is received, you will have 20 business days from the date of receipt to be notified of the determination adopted, which, if appropriate, will be effective within 15 business days from the date the response was communicated.
  7. Please note that if the request is insufficient or erroneous, the period indicated in the previous paragraph will be counted as a period of five business days from the date of receipt of the request. To inform you of the requirement to complement or rectify the error, you will have a period of 10 business days to address said requirement. If you do not comply, the request will be considered as not presented.
  8. In the case of requests for access to your personal data, physical delivery will be made by means of simple copies and free of charge, only covering the shipping costs or the costs of reproducing simple copies or electronic documents, after accreditation of the owner or legal representative.

8. Mechanisms and Procedure for Revoking Your Consent.

At any time, you may revoke your consent for the processing of your personal data by sending us an email in Spanish to the following address:, which must contain the requirements indicated in section seven (7) of this privacy notice, specifying the personal data to which you decide to revoke your consent.

Within a máximum period of 20 business days from the receipt of your email, we will carry out the revocation of the requested data.

It is important to note that we may not be able to attend to your request or conclude the use immediately in all cases, as it is possible that we may be required to continue processing your personal data due to some legal obligation. Similarly, you should consider that revoking your consent may imply that we may not be able to continue providing you with the service you requested, or the termination of your relationship with us for certain purposes.

9. Options available to the data subject to limit the use or disclosure of their Personal Data.

At any time, you may limit the consent for the use and disclosure of your personal data through mechanisms other than the exercise of the ARCO rights by sending an email to or a written notification addressed to the Data Protection Department, specifying which data you want to limit the use of.

10. Use of cookies, web beacons, or other similar technologies.

Cookies are text files that are automatically downloaded and stored on the hard drive of the user’s computer when browsing on a specific Internet page, which allows the Internet server or email server to remember certain user preferences and behaviors, such as storing information about the user’s IP address, duration of interaction on the page, and type of browser used, among others.
We would like to inform you that we do NOT collect any information from cookies, web beacons, or other similar technologies through our website.

11. Procedures and means for changes to the Privacy Notice.

We reserve the right to make modifications or updates to this privacy notice at any time in response to legislative changes, internal policies, or new requirements for the provision and offering of our services or products.
These modifications will be made available to the public through the following means:

  1. Visible announcements in our office.
  2. On the website:

12. Improper use of your Personal Data.

If you consider that your right to the protection of your personal data has been violated by any action of our employees in these actions or responses, or you suspect that there is a violation of the provisions of the Federal Law on Protection of Personal Data held by Private Parties in the processing of your personal data, you may file the corresponding complaint or report before the INAI at the website